Attestation (China)

Attestation (China)

China-Appointed Attesting Officers (“CAAO”) are qualified Hong Kong lawyers appointed by the Ministry of Justice of the People’s Republic of China. We provide China attesting services for attesting and certifying matters and documents deriving from Hong Kong for use in China. To be legally valid and protected by the laws of the PRC, attested documents issued by Attesting Officers for use in China must be sent to the “China Legal Services (H.K.) Limited” for “Sealing and Transfer Delivery”.


Documents attested by CAAO are broadly divided into the following types:

  • Declarations
  • Certification and witnessing of execution of legal documents
  • Certification of original and duplicate documents
  • Certification of legal facts including company particulars and resolutions of directors and/or shareholders of companies

CAAO works we undertake:

  • Preparing and witnessing Power of Attorney in relation to China litigation/arbitration or property transactions
  • Authenticating documents of a Hong Kong company/registered non-Hong Kong company for set-up of Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise (“WFOE")
  • Certifying Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate or Death Certificate
  • Administrating declaration of family relationship and marital status
  • Administrating declaration of Succession or Forfeiture of the Mainland China Estate of Deceased Person
  • Administrating declaration of same person statement
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Why us

We provide China attesting services for attesting and certifying matters and documents deriving from Hong Kong for use in China.  

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